Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll

Now, don't get me wrong, sexual assault is abhorrent no matter who it happens to and the pricks need to be brought in front of a jury of their peers--all women--and be dealt with. My issue is, why is it that there is only action and outrage when shiit happens to white folk? A whole heap of powerful white women rang the bell and now it's "all the rage." (no pun intended) Meanwhile, I would bet my last that half these women voted for the pu$$y-grabber in office or have close 'girlfriends' who did. Hey, your choice.
Which brings me to my next beef--the apoplectic hew and cry about drugs! Well, just damn. Since white folks are all drugged up, overdosing and dropping dead from pain meds and their brothers now its no longer a crime but an illness! GTFOH. We need to be compassionate about these particular drug users. We need programs and the might of the federal government to help these particular drug users. Why do you think that is? I'll let you answer that one on your own. Meanwhile, when crack and heroin damn near wiped out the black communities, tore families apart, and incarcerated countless black men and women, they were branded as the dregs of society not worthy of care, compassion or resources. These particular drug users didn't deserve one ounce of empathy. Why do you think that is? I 'll let you pick your own answer. But now we should be all warm and fuzzy about white folks that are strung out. Hmmm, naw.
And on another front, this whole Chrishette Michelle debacle. #Sad that she lost her record contract. Was it because she discarded all sense of dignity, pride and good common sense and sang for the most deplorable, incompetent, racist, ego maniacal individual to ever hold the highest office in the land? Hmm. I hate to do this, but in the words of the man she sang for "you knew what you signed up for?' Or maybe that's not the reason.
Meanwhile, Flint still doesn't have clean water and the children are forever damaged by lead. More than half of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are in the dark and without water, and Trayvon, Tamir, Sandra, Michael et al are all still dead and their murderers are free, and black folks who speak out about the endless array of injustices inflicted upon us are now being branded as enemies of the government. Why do you think all that is? Pick your own answer.
Tell. It.