Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll

So . . . wait... the world is now in an uproar, panties in bunches, pearls clutched, words like appalled, disgraceful, etc. etc. bandied about in light of the uncovering of wait for it . . . sexual abuse in the workplace! OMG... who knew? Well for starters black folk . . . for forever, or for at least as long as it's been since they dragged our asses over here--black women in particular. Black women have been objectified every which way but the right way. We've been touched, cornered, called out of our name, raped, maligned--you name it and it's been done to black women. Where is the outcry,the news reports, the faces on television, the outrage about our pu$$!&$ being grabbed? Now, don't get me wrong, sexual assault is abhorrent no matter who it happens to and the pricks need to be brought in front of a jury of their peers--all women--and be dealt with. My issue is, why is it that there is only action and outrage when shiit happens to white folk? A whole heap o...